From Overlooked to Fully-Booked. It's Time.

Overlooked to Fully-Booked.
It's time.

You already have the portfolio, the experience, the 5-star reviews.

It's time to step into your expertise, uplevel your booking process and become irresistible to the weddings and clients you want.

You have the portfolio, the experience, the 5-star reviews.
It's time to step into your expertise, uplevel your booking process and become irresistible to the weddings and clients you want.


Welcome to the Fully-Booked Life.

Your inbox is flooded with inquiries who are thrilled about the chance to work with you. As you open the inquiries, each is more epic than the last - you're so freakin excited for clients who are LIGHTING up your world. 

Meanwhile, your simple, automated pre-client journey has those dreamy clients essentially begging to book before you even chat. Oh, and they happily invest more while valuing your expertise and talent. You're well on your way to all the things on your vision board, and it's only halfway through the year.

Big breath in, now you're living that
Fully-Booked Life.

“I’ve updated my website, the way I speak to clients, consultations,  EVERYTHING has changed.
It feels so good.”

"Just last week someone messaged me about availability - their budget was $5,000. I told her that my prices higher and if there’s room in your budget I’m happy to talk. She asked to still set up a call, and they booked an $8,000 package! 

Clearly something changed once she saw what I was bringing to the table."

- justine

“I’ve updated my website,
the way I speak to all of my clients, consultations. EVERYTHING has changed. It feels so good.”

Just last week someone messaged me about availability - their budget was $5,000. I told her that my prices higher and if there’s room in your budget I’m happy to talk. She asked to still set up a call, and they booked an $8,000 package!
Clearly something changed once she saw what I was bringing to the table.

- justine

hi, i'm erica ewing.

I've gone from barely making a profit, to multiple six-figures + a life of my dreams, serving only clients I adore.

My path has been blazed with mistakes, lessons and growth over the last 10+ years. It wasn't long ago that being fully-booked a year in advance with clients that THRILL me - without ghosting, price shoppers, or "blah" weddings that lack style and connection - was just a day dream. But then I figured it out...the difference between you and the photographer who is crushing it is actually pretty simple.

it's the ability to consistently attract and book the clients you actually want.

Introducing the...

super attractor academy

The complete business-boosting system to ignite your bookings by tapping into the way you show up and present your value, making you a magnetic market of ONE. 

Let's break it down

Here's What You'll Learn


the super-attractor method

Your "It Factor"

You know those companies that feel like they're in your head, and you want to buy all the things? We're going to do this for you!

You'll discover what makes you truly unique and infuse it into your messaging everywhere - without needing a new website or branding.


packages that sell

'Where do we sign now' vibes

Transform the way you package and present your services for a renewed sense of confidence that has clients drooling and through-the-roof booking rates.


simple, seamless

'love your email'

Your inbox is filled with: "love your email ...just grabbed time next week!"  notes from clients who are excited to book before you even connect...who invest more than you thought possible, and appreciate you beyond words.

And the best part? It's automated, giving you more time in your day.


Elevate your value

Accelerate your Biz

What took me 6 months and thousands of dollars to figure out has been organized in a proven program with everything you need, down to the exact templates and short cuts I use in my own business to get you results quick. Weekly coaching keeps you accountable to making it all happen, and troubleshoots questions along the way.

The Results You're Going to Get:


Never hear "we went in another direction" again.


Fill your calendar with your dream clients that make your heart happy.


Create a tribe of loyal clients who refer you to everyone who will listen.


Kick that imposter syndrome and self doubt to the curb and feel confident.


Ditch the stress of how you'll fill your calendar with easy "YESSSS we want to book now!" convos.

Enroll NOw

Included Resources


Get clear on how to connect with your dream client to attract and book like never before using the breakthrough Super-Attractor Method.


A suite of proven emails and scripts, price guide and consultation process, plus a website/social media/branding audit and copyrighting support.


Tap into the system that books 90% of my right-fit consultations PLUS 8 weeks of support from a marketing and sales expert to know you're on the right path.

real results

Sam M got her groove back...

"My mind is blown. I've never seen anyone do it this way. I just had 2 consultations this week and they both want to book my highest package - $2,000 more than I was averaging last year, and I don't even have the presentation part done yet!

This program has been amazing. I'm revamping my whole business."

real results

Steve Started His Own Biz

"Ginny changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."

"It's been so good to have a proven formula to follow...'s practically plug and play!"

the transformation that's waiting for you:

shannon's bookings & revenue skyrocketed

My prices have gone from $3500 to $6500. 90% of my bookings are dream clients!

tricia + her team upleveled their marketing

The knowledge in this program is HUGE. This is life-changing.

The accountability of this program was huge for me. I knew roughly what my Super-Attractors were, but until I had to write it out, I wasn’t laser-sharp focused. You said during our 1:1 that I’m playing it safe. I’m already planning some great changes. I have a lot of work to do, I'm glad we get lifetime access!

samantha's business hit a turning point 

“The very first client I took through this method basically begged me to book at my highest price point!!”

I was a little skeptical, but nothing else seemed to be working so I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a try...I implemented just a few of the steps that Erica teaches and not only saw success, but the very first client I took through the method basically begged me to book her at my highest price point! With that much success, I cannot wait to see what happens when I implement everything!!"

“Once I understood my Super-Attractor, everything else fell into place.

I'm really clear now on who I want to work with, and what my business is all about. This program helped me get there. The clarity came a lot from the Super Attractor exercises. This works. When I started coaching with Erica, I had just one wedding I was excited about. Now 90% of my bookings are dream clients, and my prices have gone from $3500 to $6500!

Truth time. You are magic. But if your dream clients don't know you're their dream photographer, you're going to struggle...

If you're anything like me, you need help to take your business to the next level. I've poured the past decade of running a multiple 6-figure photography/ videography studio, plus my BBA in Marketing, Corporate ad agency and sales expertise into building the most robust, transformational yet EASY-to-implement program out there.

If it's time to elevate your value and accelerate your growth,

You're in the right place.

“I wish earlier in my career, i had done this.”

— Me, yesterday

By the end of THE super attractor ACADEMY, you will...

Attract right-fit clients with a happy, lean-back energy to bring high reward — financially & creatively.

Increasing your average booking per client 
(members have seen a
25-100% increase!)

Have a clear actionable plan for growing your business and taking EVERYTHING to the next level. 

clearly showcase your value in a way that's absolutely irresistible to the dreamiest clients

Know exactly what to say on your website, in emails and during your consultations.

Attract clients you adore, without discounting or spending hours on Instagram.


Hey there!

I'm Erica, your new biz bestie.

The days of building your business alone and without guidance are OVER. Academy members tell me over and over that the group accountability and weekly coaching piece is worth the price of admission alone.

Because here's the thing...

Booking the clients you want doesn't have to be hard.

I remember when things were hard. One day I'd feel on top of the world, the next like a total talentless hack.

Things changed when I started treating my business like a business, leveraging marketing and sales methods proven in my past corporate life.

Since then I've left corporate, hired my husband full time, built our revenue to $300k+/year, travel the globe with my family (including a month in Hawaii during the pandemic) and most recently hired a studio manager (cuz email stinks) who happens to be my baby sis!

i'm not special. i just tapped into my value and elevated how i connect with my dreamiest clients.

weekly lessons + assignments to keep you on track

a private 1:1 coaching session with erica

8-week mastermind with likeminded wedding creatives

a proven roadmap that works for every business

 everything you need to book more of the weddings you want.

Forget about another course collecting dust in your digital library. This isn't just a course, it's a transformational group coach program that will ensure you get the results.
To date, we have a 100% success rate.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Full confidence in your talent and finally charging your worth

Attracting dream clients and weddings that light you up and keep you inspired

Ending the ghosting, discounting, feelings of desperation and inviting it to be easy

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for added efficiency and profitability

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life

Finally leaning in to what you love most and saying no to the rest




transformation guaranteed

This method works. And not just for me - Super-Attractor Academy members have a 100% success rate. If you follow the methods I teach (and can show proof of the work), I guarantee you’ll book at least one wedding during our time together and make your investment back on the program or I’ll double your time in the program with extra support for free. I am here to see you succeed.

This *is* for you if:

You need to book more weddings

You crave better
weddings (and clients you adore working with)

You're ready to uplevel your earnings and step into financial freedom

You don't actually want to uplevel your business & clients

You're not willing to do the work

It's probably *not* for you if...

You're not willing to trust a proven process

Let's get you fully-booked with the clients you want!

Frequently Asked Questions


This program is designed for photographers & creatives with a portfolio and experience. If this is you are looking to follow a proven process and have a positive, coachable mindset, this will 100% work, guaranteed. See the risk-free promise above!


This program is comprehensive, but structured in an easy-to-follow step by step process, with templates for everything you need, and live coaching each week to keep you on track and clear. Follow the video lessons, download the templates, ask questions and grow alongside likeminded creatives!

Implement in one weekend, or take the full 8 weeks - it's totally up to you!

i've purchased a lot of courses, how CAN i STAY ACCOUNTABLE?

I feel you on this one! I'm a serial student, which means I have a whole library full of untapped courses.

The biggest difference about this program is that is isn't just a course. You'll have face-to-face time with Erica every week, who will guide you throughout the process. You also get a private 1:1 coaching session to talk in depth about your business and break through any challenges or limiting beliefs that are holding you back. The coaching piece alone is transformative.

WHAT IF I STINK AT SALES or copywriting?

This program is DESIGNED for you!! We'll reframe how you think about serving (not selling!), so that you're excited to get in front of your dream clients. This program is so easy to follow and includes scripts so you always know exactly what to say. Forget about needing to just need to follow this process.


"I booked 2 out of 2 wedding consults just this week...and that's after increasing my rates! My average is now nearly $2000 higher!"

...and after.

"No joke, 19 emails and a zoom call and just got the dreaded we went in another direction.' So excited to make a change."

book a consultation

Still on the Fence?

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Let's set up a quick call to assess your business and see if this program will help. If I don't think it can, I will 100% let you know.