Tap into the magnetic system that books 90% (or more) right-fit weddings with ease.

Tap into the magnetic system that books 90%
(or more) right-fit weddings with ease.

You already have the portfolio, the experience, the 5-star reviews.

It's time to step into your expertise, uplevel your booking process and become irresistible to the weddings and clients you want.

FINALLY, THERE'S A system that does it all for you.

join the waitlist →

Calling all photographers & wedding pros struggling to book the high-paying clients you want…

Welcome to the Magnetic Life.

Your inbox is flooded with inquiries who are thrilled about the chance to work with you.

As you open the inquiries, each is more epic than the last - you're so freakin excited for clients who LIGHT up your world. 

Meanwhile your magnetic booking process has those dreamy clients essentially begging to book before you even chat. And they happily invest more while valuing your expertise and talent. You're well on your way to all the things on your vision board and it's only June.

Big breath in, now you're living that Magnetic Life.

you’re losing out on so many bookings and leaving so much money on the table.

But when you realize what you're leaving on the table, sometimes its as simple as kneeling down and picking it up.

And you’ll start picking up those bookings & more moola when your future clients can truly see your value and that you - above all other options out there - are exactly who they were looking for...

in a magnetic, irresistible booking system. 

Simply put, if your "sales" process is an email with pricing & a get-to-know-you chat with whoever doesn’t ghost, then...

“I’ve updated my website, the way I speak to clients, consultations,  EVERYTHING has changed.
It feels so good.”

"Just last week someone messaged me - their budget was $5,000 (lower than my base package). She asked to still set up a call...and they booked an $8,000 package! 

Clearly something changed once she saw what I was bringing to the table."

- justine

“I’ve updated my website,
the way I speak to all of my clients, consultations. EVERYTHING has changed. It feels so good.”

Just last week someone messaged me about availability - their budget was $5,000. I told her that my prices higher and if there’s room in your budget I’m happy to talk. She asked to still set up a call, and they booked an $8,000 package!
Clearly something changed once she saw what I was bringing to the table.

- justine

hi, i'm erica ewing.

I've gone from barely making a profit to multiple six-figures serving only clients I adore.

My path has been blazed with mistakes and lessons over the last 14 years. It wasn't long ago that being fully-booked a year in advance with clients that THRILL me - without ghosting, price shoppers, or "blah" weddings that lack style and connection - was just a day dream.

But then I figured it out...the #1 mistake that most struggling wedding pros make is they assume their potential clients can truly see their value just by looking at their websitee. So they get lost in a sea of competition, and ultimately entire the price shopper war. 

real results

Gillie B. booked $71,000 in 7 weeks

"I've booked eleven weddings since the course started (totalling $71,000!!!), one of them being a high-profile Bachelor wedding and another being my first five-figure contract.

My message has been elevated and I've had incredible results. This program has been amazing. I'm revamping my whole business."

real results

Steve Started His Own Biz

"Ginny changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."

Introducing the...

super attractor academy

The simple, step-by-step sales system guaranteed to dramatically increase booking rates (to 90% or more) and client investment level,
or your money back.

here's what's waiting for you on the other side of the super attractor academy:


become a
super attractor

You know the companies that seem like they know exactly what you're thinking, and you want to buy all the things? 

It's because they've figured out what their ideal client wants and used it to structure their messaging. This is how you become magnetic, and this is exactly what we'll do for your business.


Through the roof booking rates

Leverage a proven, template-based system that transforms the way you present your services for through-the-roof booking rates (most get 90% or higher!) that give you the ability - and confidence - to raise your prices without losing clients.


build excitement

10x email responses

Tap into your dream client’s desires so instead of ghosting you, they’re excited to book before you even connect

And the best part? It's automated, getting you OUT of your inbox, giving you back more time in your day.


rinse & repeat

Set it & forget it

Finally know exactly how to stand out and become the obvious choice. Organized with everything you need, down to the exact templates and short cuts I use in my own business,.

Set it up once and use it for YEARS, without ever needing to update. I still book 5-figure weddings today with my 2019 version.

Tap into your "It Factor"

templates that sell

the type of results you can expect, from fellow wedding pros like you:

shannon's bookings & revenue skyrocketed.

My prices have gone from $3500 to $6500. 90% of my bookings are dream clients!

"I'm really clear now on who I want to work with & what my business is about. This program helped me get there. The clarity came a lot from the Super Attractor exercises. 

When I started with Erica, I had just one wedding I was excited about. Now 90% of my bookings are dream clients, and my prices have gone from $3500 to $6500!

This works."

lauren now books 100% of her right-fit clients.

"During the program, I booked 8 out of 8 consultations. Since then, I've booked 16!

"Before I met Erica, I had 42 inquiries in 6 months...just 2 booked. This was a total transformation. While I was in the program, I had 8 inquiries and I BOOKED ALL 8...since then, I've booked 16!

I don't even know what is going on.
It feels like it's a miracle,
you know?"

samantha got immediate return-on-investment.

“The first client I took through this method basically begged me to book at my highest price point!!”

"I was a little skeptical, but nothing else seemed to be working so I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a try...

I implemented just a few of the steps that Erica teaches and not only saw success, but the very first client I took through the method basically begged me to book her at my highest price point!

With that much success, I cannot wait to see what happens when I implement everything!!"

“Once I understood my Super-Attractor, everything else fell into place.

Sales isn’t about if you’re "good enough" or priced competitively.

It’s about getting the right product (you) in front of the right person (your right client) and following 6 simple sales principles that elevate your VALUE.

When value is greater than investment, you have a sale.

Elevate how you show your value, people are more willing to investment in you.

Things changed when I started leveraging sales methods proven in my past corporate life. Since I left corporate, I hired my husband full time, built our revenue to $300k+/year, travel the globe with my family and most recently hired an assistant to take care of tedious joy-stealing tasks like email.

join the waitlist

A system that will turn your business into a crave-worthy brand?Yea, you gotta know.

Get the next available Super Attractor Sales System invitation. Doors open soon!

real results

Steve Started His Own Biz

"Ginny changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."

By the end of THE super attractor ACADEMY, you will...

Attract right-fit clients with a happy, lean-back energy to bring high reward — financially & creatively.

Increase average investment per client (members have seen a 25-100% increase!)

Have a rinse & repeat sales system that does the selling for you, so you're never wondering how to book the weddings you want.

Stand out & clearly showcase your value in a way that's absolutely irresistible to the dreamiest clients.

Know exactly what to say on your website, in emails and during your consultations.

Attract clients you adore, without discounting or spending hours on Instagram.