Cindy & Mike’s Garden Wedding

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Welcome to Mike & Cindy’s garden-themed wedding! These two are about as lovely as they come, and it was important to them to plan a wedding that was fun, loving, and relaxed. Cindy loves flowers and natural light (my kinda girl!), and so a Sunday afternoon wedding at The International, a beautiful golf club located just down the road from our studio in Bolton MA, was the perfect fit. They were attracted to the floor to ceiling windows in the ballroom, and the beautiful grounds for their outdoor wedding cermony.

Their day was decorated with pastel flowers and sweet love quotes.

A great benefit that The International offers is on-site accomodations. So the fellas got ready in the lodge while the ladies prepped in the bridal suite.

Cindy & Mike headed all the way to Hingham to meet the perfect officiant, Thomas Welch. After their ceremony, I can see why. His ceremony was personal, meaningful and loving.

This picture says so much about Cindy. She stopped her readers to hug them and show her gratitude right there in the middle of the ceremony. <3

Cindy adores her brother! And what role is more important to a bride than her MOH. Man of Honor, in this case.

I’m pretty convinced they were looking forward to their bride and groom portrait time all day. Once formal family portraits were complete, we headed out courtesy of the phenomenally-attentive event manager Bob, and they got so completely wrapped up in each other pretty instantly.

The ballroom at The International was filled with light and love, waiting for the newlyweds to join the party. And party it was!

I took pause when I caught a glimpse of Cindy’s parents dancing during the reception. May we all have this type of continued connection after 30 years of marriage.

Congratulations C&M…we loved your Sunday Funday, and will have many more pictures for you soon!


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