You’re ready for more. Better bookings, more aligned clients, bigger profit—and more ease in how it all comes together. But right now feels like you're riding a rollercoaster. Some days, you feel unstoppable—like your work is magic, inquiries are rolling in, and you’re hitting your stride—while other days the ghosting stings, bookings feel slow, and you wonder if you’re doing something wrong.

Systems that bring in the clients you want and position you as their irresistibly obvious choice, with packages that practically sell that bookings are a breeze and your financial goals become reality.

Whether you’re looking for ready to install systems to fill a gap or a full transformation with supportive coaching, there’s a way to work together that meets you exactly where you are.

Let’s make your next move the one that changes everything. 

You’re ready for more. Better bookings, more aligned clients, bigger profit—and more ease in how it all comes together. But right now feels like you're riding a rollercoaster. Some days, you feel unstoppable—like your work is magic, inquiries are rolling in, and you’re hitting your stride—while other days the ghosting stings, bookings feel slow, and you wonder if you’re doing something wrong.

Systems that bring in the clients you want and position you as their irresistibly obvious choice, with packages that practically sell that bookings are a breeze and your financial goals become reality.

Whether you’re looking for ready to install systems to fill a gap or a full transformation with supportive coaching, there’s a way to work together that meets you exactly where you are.

Let’s make your next move the one that changes everything. 

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Success isn’t about doing more—it’s about having the right systems in place.

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If it's time for better profits, it's time to know your numbers. The Successful Creatives Pricing Program crunches the numbers for you so that you finally have the confidence to charge your worth. When you're confident, your clients will be, too!

Turn each wedding into a steady stream of ready-to-book referrals with a simple marketing system that has you popping up in all the right places—without posting on insta or paying for pricey ads.

Find the reason your dreamiest clients want to hire you over everyone else, and leverage an irresistible process that consistently books higher-paying clients, no "selling" required.  

the pricing system

the marketing system

The booking system



Ever wish someone would look inside your business and tell you exactly what to say, how much to charge, and what to do to book up your calendar a year in advance? Well let 'hallelujah' roll off your tongue because you're in the right place.

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What's your

booking superpower?

free quiz

Unlock your Booking Superpower so that you can dramatically increase bookings now.

let's get started

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Never have I ever revealed so much detail about the booking process that literally transformed my business like I do in this guide. It will 100% have you wondering how it's free!

Discover what's working now to attract & book ideal clients, along with guest interviews that will have you inspired & in the know!

Warning: a powerful email strategy is revealed in this guide...including the exact wording I use in my own emails!

my booking process, revealed!

successful creatives podcast

the email formula



Value-packed tools to level up your processes now while you contemplate The Systems above. 😉

listen to the podcast
reveal the system

Successful Creatives Make the World Brighter.

- Gillie b.

Before the Super Attractor Academy, I had 100+ inquiries over 6 months...and booked just 2.

Now, I booked 11 weddings over the last 7 of them being a high-profile Bachelor wedding and another being my first five-figure contract.

My message is elevated and I've had incredible results. This program has been amazing.

"I booked $71,000 in weddings in 7 weeks!"

your peers

words from

- Justine B.

"I’ve updated my website, the way I speak to my clients, consultations. EVERYTHING has changed.
It feels so good."


- shannon m.

When I started coaching with Erica, I had just one wedding I was excited about. I'm really clear now on who I want to work with, and what my business is all about. This program helped me get there.

Now 90% of my bookings are dream clients, and my prices have gone from $3500 to $6500!

This works."

"I bought a house thanks to this system!"

Life is too short to charge less than you deserve, work with clients you don't adore, or let bookings stress you out.

Since leaving corporate marketing, I've made all the mistakes over 14 years in the wedding industry so you don't have to.

From working endless hours with clients who didn't trust me for $65,000 a year—to working only with clients I adore, hiring my husband, growing to over $300,000+ a year, and traveling the globe with my family (Paris, anyone?). Everything changed when I implemented a few intentional systems. 

The business & life you desire is right on the other side of a few simple systems. I'm here to help you get there.

Wedding Photographer & Industry Booking Expert

Hi, I'm Erica ewing

Get a free assessment from Erica that will reveal your business blindspots, along with a custom action plan within 48 hours.

request your free plan now!

INCOME DISCLAIMER: The Ewings Photography Studio INC. does not and cannot guarantee any specific results or earnings from the use of our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. Your outcome depends on your willingness to be mentored, your work ethic, your active participation in learning, and your consistent execution of the methodologies provided.

© 2025 The Ewings Photography Studio, INC.     

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