My fab little mini-me

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So there’s there are two little people that are my entire universe. I’ve been so busy with client work lately so I thought I’d take a minute to share a little about one of my favorite little guys here – my sidekick Trevor. Who also goes by the names Trev, Tre, bugaboo, or his preference: Monster Truck Kid. He’s straight awesome. So my family generally travels around with me when things get busy – here I was heading in to meet Courtney & Jon for their engagement session at the Boston Public Garden, so Ben and the boys came along to hit up the Tadpole Park.

Here’s Trevor’s “cool kid” pose, complete with his long hair (growing it “long like mummy’s”), rhinestone sunglasses that match mine (his choice of course!), and superhero socks pulled as high as possible. His favorite color is red, so he generally never goes anywhere without his red sneaks.

This guy is always the one in control, and always the lead. He will break into a full sprint and race you if you try to step in front of him. Oh and safety first when crossing the street 🙂

My other favorite little guy Cooper, who also happens to be Trevor’s biggest fan. More on him soon!

One day I said to Trevor, “hey bud, know what makes me the happiest mommy in the world?” He replied, “when I hold your hand.” And he’s held my hand ever since, no matter where we are. From the streets of Boston to across our front lawn. And every time my heart melts. Love this amazing little child of mine.


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