Sheena & Josh’s Anheuser-Busch Engagement

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So the weather is fiiiinally warm and sunny and beautiful, and I’m realizing I never blogged one of my favorite winter sessions! Actually, one of my favorite sessions ever, regardless of the season. Meet the adorable Sheena & Josh.

Josh works for a beer distributor, and the folks up at the Anheuser-Busch brewery in New Hampshire were absolutely wonderful to us! Private tour of the brewery, a tasting straight from the vats (not sure of technical term here), and they let us meet the prestigious Clydesdales. But beer and gigantic horses aside, my favorite part was simply Sheena & Josh. They’re beyond easy to be around – instant friends, and they have a great chemistry together. And Sheena braved 20 degree temperatures in the cutest tulle skirt…and then said she felt like Ace Ventura in between shots with her jacket, fluffy skirt and big boots on. Scroll on for proof! 

I had a hard time choosing my favorites, so here are an obscene amount of pictures for an engagement session post. Now go outside and be glad it is 70 and sunny! 🙂


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