Wedding photographers must have boundaries. Here’s why…

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Setting boundaries in your business

Most photographers and wedding pros have a highly seasonal business, which typically means a big swing between rest and recharge to hustle and overwhelm.

With busy season just around the corner for so many of us, now’s the perfect time for a quick chat to make sure overwhelm and burnout aren’t a part of your 2024 season. How? With a few simple boundaries!


Let’s explore what this might look like for your wedding business…

Because this is a beautiful time of year for us wedding photographers and creatives. If you’re anything like me, you’re excited to dive back in. You’re rested and feeling creative and inspired…and also perhaps feeling a nudge from you bank account to get back to work, too!


You want to wow all of your clients – you dream of beautiful work and raving fans.

At this point in the year, it’s easy to forget that – fast forward a few months – the end of the season doesn’t look and feel this way to most of us. We’re up late finishing client work, exhausted and stretched, falling behind on deadlines but also compelled to take bookings NOW as they come, like squirrels saving up for a long, hard winter.


So what’s the key to a healthy balance so that you can maintain your creativity, your inspiration, balance AND profits in your wedding photography business?




They help create a work environment AND rest that serves you so that you can provide the best experience for your clients. Here’s how to create boundaries within your wedding photography business:


Outline the list of non-negotiables you want to honor this season. Here are a few of mine:

  1. No evening availability: my calendar offers 9-5 slots only (with just 1 “late” availability day until 6pm) because evenings are for my family
  2. No cell phone access: I don’t share my cell with clients (I learned this lesson the hard way)
  3. Proactive client timeline: I repeatedly tell my clients what they can expect next, within my timeframe, so I never have to field emails like “when will our photos be ready” (because they already know!)


Weave them into your process NOW. Strong boundaries create a better client experience and a happier creative (you!) – listen to this week’s podcast episode for more on creating and/or refreshing yours here!


Celebrate the journey to your most beautiful, fulfilling life.

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