June 7, 2016

Bryan & Jillian’s Amherst Engagement Session

Let’s spend a little time with two high school sweethearts. Jillian & Bryan have been together for years, and when Jillian attended UMass Amherst (our alma mater!), Bryan would make countless trips out to spend time with her and her friends. So Amherst is a pretty special place to them, and if you know Ben and I at all, we love all reasons to head to one of our favorite little cities. Here are some of my favorites from their session.

Comments +

  1. Jean Brooks says:

    They are all beautiful !!! I can’t decide which one I like the best!! I do like the pics in front of Brooks House!!! Thank you for sharing these with me!!

  2. Jillian B. says:

    Thank you so much Erica! I LOVE them all. We had such a wonderful time at the session, and you have captured our relationship so perfectly.

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