April 6, 2015

Fort Devens Wedding Portraits – MA Wedding Photographers

There’s nothing I love more than when a couple says they trust me wholly to come up with a plan for their wedding portraits. In the case of Jon & Justine’s wedding at Devens in Ayer, that included heading down the road to the former Fort Devens to take advantage of the beautiful estate-like buildings. There’s nothing quite like ivy growing freely on brick, and in October, even the ivy was bright with fall foliage color. This wedding was from a couple of years ago, but its still one of my favorites because of this wonderful, kind, loving couple, and because of the opportunities they gave me to be creative, and because of the results I’m still proud of years later. I hope you enjoy!

Their first look, at a secluded location near Devens Common Center, where they could enjoy each other.

Then we headed on a tour around Fort Devens, which gave us a wide variety of “backdrop” options within a small area…

I love when couples rent a trolley for their wedding day. It adds an extra element of excitement for the wedding party. This trolley in Central Mass was fantastic for cooler fall weddings, since it had glass windows.

How cute are these two!?

On the way to the church, we passed a GORGEOUS hilly field that was begging to be used for a wedding party picture…with a very lrage wedding party. And of course Jon & Justine said yes to the idea of stopping after the ceremony. I’m so glad they did!

Recreating a picture from when they were little…besties for years!

The Devens Common is a beautiful ballroom location in Ayer that was perfect for this crew…they LOVE to dance!

To two people, so totally in love. xoxo, J&J!

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