October 22, 2014

Madison’s Mahar High Senior Portraits

Madison traveled to see me for her Mahar High senior pictures – she was looking for something different for her high school senior portrait. Something unique that would express her fun and vibrant spirit. She’s super active at her school – field hockey, student council, you name it. She’s got it going on. So I thought for weeks about her session, and came up with a fun idea that would give us lots of photo opps.

Her session is filled with style, color and fun…she was up for anything, and the Queen of the Wobble even got her wobble on in the middle of the city. Love this girl!

Comments +

  1. Cindy Fitch says:

    I love these photos. Beautiful, fun, incredibly expressive.

  2. Tim Corcoran says:

    These photo’s are stunning! Kudos to you Erica, you captured the essence of Madison and you how she seen by others on any giving day. I know I’m her Dad Erica, but I didn’t think it possible to aggrandize her beauty but you did! Very very nice!

  3. Sharon says:

    Maddie these are gorge! You look stunning!

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