One of the challenges that can prevent families from booking a professional photographer for family portraits is just not knowing WHEN they should have them done. And so my friend, that’s the inspiration for this post. I’m sharing a bit of my own journey as a fellow mama (of 2 boys who have grown – and continue to grow – waaaay too quickly) and lover of pictures.
Some of them – like a wedding or a new baby – are obvious, while others may not be. There’s no set-in-stone rule around portraits, so if you’re further into your family’s journey and you’re feeling like you missed some of these, that’s ok. You’re here, and that’s the best start! If you’re at the beginning of your family’s journey, oh mama, there is so much goodness in store for you! I’ve loved every single stage more than the one before it.
I’m including a list of the best times to consider…the ones in CAPS are what I consider the must-have milestones.
The lowercase are the nice-to-haves you’ll appreciate as time goes on. Honestly, I don’t think you’ll ever regret having portraits of the people you love most. We’ve invested a lot over the years with some of the best photographers in the area and the only one I regret is the one I didn’t do (when I was pregnant with my first son, we skipped maternity because we had a million other priorities (house, job, student loans…sigh) and I so wish we had done them.
As a mom of two quickly growing boys, I can tell you that the saying about blinking and they’re grown up is so true.
Each of the milestones below are unique and beautiful and worthy of celebration.
I debated about making the maternity session a must-have session. I didn’t have maternity portraits of myself taken when I was pregnant with my first and I completely regretted it. I literally didn’t have a SINGLE decent picture of myself, and it made me so sad. Because your body changes in miraculous ways, and to not have that captured is definitely a miss. But I can also understand costs of planning for baby and why this one might be foresaken for say, a crib. So its on the optional but highly recommended list.
It’s best to plan newborn sessions within the first 7-12 days of baby’s arrival. After that, they’re grown up. Ok, fine. Not exactly, but baby acne starts to set in and they hit a growth spurt around 2 weeks (prepare for sleepless nights!). Our families see the difference in size/age just between the session and design appointment, which is usually just 1-2 weeks post-session.
There’s nothing like the innocence of this new-baby stage, and baby albums make the most beautiful keepsake.
3, 6, 9 months
Baby goes from smiling, sitting and standing during these sweet months of life! There’s so much growth in the first year which is why we’ve developed a Baby’s First Year Plan for parents who want to capture it all.
One Year
I also suggest a cake smash for the one year portrait…they’re so much fun, and little personalities really emerge! I generally air on the side of simple over themed, but this is one theme I LOVE.
There’s never a wrong time for family portraits, but my suggestions would be every 5 years or so starting with Kindergarten-age. If you’re not sure if its time, take a look at the portraits on your walls. If they look like babies you barely recognize, then it is time. If you don’t have portraits on your walls, then its definitely time.
And if you’re feeling like now isn’t a good time for you personally, but you’d love pictures of your family, please re-consider. You are beautiful and perfect and your children want to see you in their pictures. These pictures will shape their future memories, and you need to be front and center showering them with love.
Plus, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results!
Even the most skeptical mamas have loved their portraits with us. And with our custom approach, if you don’t love it, you don’t have to buy it!
Clearly a lot of this is written through experience. I’ve lived the engagement stage through to now entering middle school *ahh*! I may have more suggestions as my family grows, but for now this is it for you.
They enter the nest, grow in love, and then leave the nest.
Please make sure you have portraits to show their journey. For yourself, for them, and for their future families. And not just digital files, but real, tangible printed keepsakes. Ones that survive technology changes and hard drive fails, and can be passed hung on walls and passed through loving hands. Albums that hold our stories, wall art that reminds us every day that we are loved.
We don’t get do-overs in this crazy thing called life and when the milestone has passed, hopefully you have pictures to celebrate its beauty. We’re here to help.
They enter the nest, grow in love, and then leave the nest.
Please make sure you have portraits to show their journey. For yourself, for them, and for their future families. And not just digital files, but real, tangible printed keepsakes. Ones that survive technology changes and hard drive fails, and can be passed hung on walls and passed through loving hands. Albums that hold our stories, wall art that reminds us every day that we are loved.
We don’t get do-overs in this crazy thing called life and when the milestone has passed, hopefully you have pictures to celebrate its beauty. We’re here to help.
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