July 1, 2015

Evan & Lauren’s Princeton Farm Engagement

In Ben’s former life he was a civil engineer and he used to work with this guy named Evan. When Evan got engaged to Lauren, he immediately looked us up to photograph their wedding. They came in to meet with me during the winter and we’ve been laughing ever since. It just so happens that Lauren’s dad has a farm in Princeton, and she wanted to plan their engagement session there. This made me happy for two reasons – a) its just down the road from our studio and b) I loooove farms. This one was complete with a red barn, a cow pasture and a happy-to-photobomb-all-day-long field cat.

These two are awesome people individually, and even more awesome together. They’re the kind of people you meet once and feel like you’ve known forever. They have so much fun together, and its fun just being around them. Plus they’re adorable together AND they’re getting married at Zukas where Ben and I got married! For all of these reasons, this is one of my favorite engagement sessions yet.

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