November 6, 2014

Kirsten & Rob’s Boston Public Garden Engagement Pictures

Kirsten & Rob’s Boston Public Garden engagement session is the first feature after getting back from vacation! This is a great one to start with – and I’m smiling as I’m writing this post, looking at this happy bride and her beau. The day was super-overcast, at first I was a little concerned about getting enough light into their eyes. I went back to my car to get a flash (nooooo) and came back to brighter skies….just enough so we didn’t need the flash, phew! Instead we got the creamy-soft light that only a nicely overcast day can give.

Kirsten is gorgeous and super easy going…and also totally happy to turn it on for the camera, as Rob laughed when I asked her to grab her adorable leather jacket and sass it up for me. We’re going to have so much fun next fall at their State Room wedding!

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