January 14, 2014

Westminster MA Family Portrait Session

I met this beautiful family through one of my favorite 2013 wedding couples (check out Chris & Libby’s Newport wedding here!). Their daughter had just turned one, so they celebrated with portraits of her (how gorgeous is she? And her hair!?) along with some of the three of them spending some quality time. Here’s the tiniest sneak peek of their beautiful Westminster MA family portrait session.

I love working with different age groups. Each has to be approached very differently. When you’re one, you’re the boss. The ultimate goal is to keep you happy and smiling, so the sessions tend to be very relaxed and fun. Well, I guess that’s the general foundation for my sessions, regardless of age. But at this age, its really about playtime and exploration. Coupled with hugs and love from mom and dad. Some of my favorites from their session are of mom with baby and dad with baby. The special bonds they share as they come through in photographs.

What did they decide to do with their portraits? We created a framed wall gallery of four of their favorite black and white images. A mix of each of them with baby girl, the three of them playing together and her proudly on her own. Beautiful, natural and completely them.

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